A Knock at the door
On starting a story, a blog, or an investigation into the apparent death of a loved one.
A Loose thread
On publishing a debut novel, and the unexpected attention you may attract from mysterious government operatives.
The importance of support networks for a struggling author
Every author needs a support network.
The Importance of Revision
An author usually has to give his work another look before putting it out in the world.
Losing Yourself in Your Characters
It’s easy to get lost in the minds of the characters you create.
Writing Yourself into a Corner
Your job as a writer is to put your characters into difficult situations, even when you’re not sure how to get your characters out.
The Descent to Hades
An author will make sure their characters reach their lowest point before the final confrontation.
My Own Worst Enemy
Why does an author struggle to receive recognition? Sometimes it’s his own fault.
Getting in Touch with Your Inner Voice
Sometimes an author doesn’t know what he has inside himself until he looks deep. Really deep.
Kill Your Darlings
Sometimes the things you like best about your story are the very things that have to go.
How to Write a Twist
A good twist needs a proper setup, but it should still lead the reader from the beaten path they had comfortably trod until your final reveal.